My sketchy website
Welcome to my page on the net.
On my site i write down my projects and my notes, normally i try to write in English but sometimes i´m lazy and they only are in Swedish.
All information i intended for personal use, nothing is to be copied, printed or spread for third person. I take no legal repsons for the information.
2024-06-21 More updates in my blog
2024-06-11 Kicking around my blog again
2018-11-24 More updates about Ericsson P400 and P500
2018-07-13 Updated with som photos of a broken Anytone 588
2017-02-20 I got some insperation so i´m building some more on my page.
2016-05-15 Now my blog have been running 1 year. Other things have come to the site also.
2014-12-31 Updates a little everywhere
2014-10-22 Link to my old page
2014-04-15 Start thinking about becoming active on EME (moon bounce) on 1296MHz
2014-03-14 Now i´m active on meteor scatter on 144.370MHz
2014-01-04 Updates on Storno 6000
2012-10-12 Progress on SI4015